Your Book. Your Author Goals.

An EIGHT session concierge opportunity. The focus is on accelerating your book project and getting you pitch ready. We begin WHERE YOU ARE.

The Aim is Progress

If you're ready to get real about delivering your book to agents, here's what can happen next:

✔️ Over eight sessions, we'll meet on Zoom for an hour and dive deep into an aspect of your curated coaching package

✔️ You'll be given action steps that will move you and your book project forward like never before

✔️ You'll build out things such as your synopsis, query, book pitch, come up with your logline, build your agent list + more

✔️ You'll be challenged to go beyond what you think are your limits as we review your work and progress together

Just Imagine...

No More Struggling

You now understand what to do and how to do it.

A Pro Perspective

You're now asking all of the right story questions.

Confident. Ready.

You've put in the effort. Made real progress. You're ready.

The PRO AUTHOR INTENSIVE is the ultimate 1:1 coaching experience for any writer who is serious about getting a literary agent.
In our EIGHT sessions together prepare to complete and fine tune things like your:


We'll make sure it all comes together and that it works.

Hear from some of my clients...

Katy J Schroeder, YA

"Linda's PRO AUTHOR INTENSIVE was truly the best investment in my writing career. I can't speak enough about how much I enjoyed my time working with Linda...she is a phenomenal educator...I was absolutely blown aware by the care and attention she gave to so many aspects of my project and the process."

Nicole Jorge, MG

"For any writer aiming for traditional publication, I wholeheartedly recommend LInda's PRO AUTHOR INTENSIVE. It's a game-changer that has instilled in me the confidence that I will secure a book deal."

Twinkle Zaman, Romance

"Besides the query, pitch, synopsis and logline... I've taken away so much more. I know I've had a story the entire time but talking things through with Linda each session and her input and coaching has really been eye-opening to me... I've learned from our sessions how to truly curate the story. I've really taken away so much and Linda is really good at what she does."

Hailey Rose, Children's

"Thank you to Linda for guiding me through the entire book writing process and seeing my potential. I couldn't have done it without her."

Hi, I'm Linda Predovsky, a Pro Author Coach.

After an incredible run as a television writer/producer who has had three top agents for TV and books, it's my mission to help aspiring authors like you, land agents and build careers.  I love the Pro Author Intensive because, together we take your big dream of becoming a bestselling author and bring it back to the day-to-day so that you can end frustration and procrastination and accomplish what needs to be done to pave the way for your author success.

I can't wait to meet you and get started!
It's your time!